Chef and Nutrition Service Questionnaire Name * First Name Last Name Email * Do you have any allergies or dietary restrictions? * Yes No If yes, detail here. How important is nutrition to your diet and lifestyle? * Very Important Important Neutral Not Important What do you mean by nutrition? Certain foods’ vitamins and minerals can trigger receptors in the brain and body that can calm depression and anxiety, boost energy, stamina and recovery. Are you open to incorporating these types of foods into your meals? * Yes, absolutely. No, I don't need that. I'm open to it. What are the key goals from your perspective for the nutritionist/chef to accomplish during our work together? At any time will the chef be responsible for cooking any meals for additional people during the duration of the contract? * Yes No If the chef is cooking for any other individuals besides the client, will any of the guests need meals different than what may be prepared as the main meal? Such as kids, picky eaters or anyone that has a different diet than everyone else. How flexible is the schedule? How should we handle situations when there are unexpected changes from either party? * How open are you to trying new foods or cuisines? * Will the chef have the creative freedom to design menus and create diverse, healthy, and appealing meals? * Are there any additional specific nutritional guidelines or goals that the chef should be aware of when planning meals? Outline the terms of employment contract. Which specific day or days of the week are the meals needed and at what frequency (ie, once or twice a day)? Is there a target budget range you are looking to stay within for services? (*Not including grocery reimbursement/allotment) Do you have previous personal chefs who can provide insights into the role and the expectations? What is the general consensus of what cuisine you like and dislike? What type of serving style do you need? Plated, Family Style, Meal Prep (packaged for individual and/or family style), etc. Would you like to incorporate what you eat on a daily basis into what you share on social media? Thank you for sharing your preferences.