Become a Parent

There’s a moment of clarity when someone realizes they are not only able to foster a child, but are ready to take that first step. At Trusted Family Foundation, we’re here to help turn that readiness into reality, ensuring that every family with the will to foster has the support they need to succeed.

the need is heartbreaking

“There are so many children that need foster care, and not enough families to provide for them.”

In families facing crisis, children are often the ones who suffer the most. When abuse or neglect makes a home unsafe, the state steps in to protect the child, placing them in foster care. This is where Trusted Family Foundation becomes a lifeline.

Foster care exists to help families heal and regain stability, with the ultimate goal of reuniting children with their biological parents, equipped with the tools they need to thrive. In the meantime, foster parents create a haven for these children—a place to rest, feel secure, and begin to heal. Foster parenting doesn’t just change lives; it saves them.


“We’re all a family at Trusted Family Foundation. If one can’t help, another one can.”

Foster parenting requires courage, dedication, and compassion, and our support system reflects those same values. At Trusted Family Foundation, foster parents receive comprehensive training to prepare them for the journey ahead. We provide a full range of resources, including Behavioral Health Services, Medicaid coverage, and access to experienced case managers who walk alongside families every step of the way. Our goal is to empower and encourage foster parents, ensuring they never feel alone in their mission to provide care and healing.


Respite foster care is a temporary placement where a licensed foster parent takes in a foster child for a short period of time to give the child's primary foster parents a break, allowing them to deal with personal needs or emergencies without having to continuously care for the child; essentially, it's a short-term "time off" for the primary foster family. 

Master Our Thorough Curriculum

Our respite care training curriculum dives into a variety of subjects, ensuring you’re well-equipped to address the requirements of individuals with special needs. These topics encompass caregiver responsibilities, safety and emergency protocols, communication and engagement strategies, personal care, behavior management, medication administration, and cultural sensitivity.

Experience Community Support

A significant advantage of choosing our respite care training is the nurturing community you’ll engage with. As part of our training, you become an integral part of our extensive network of respite care providers and caregivers. By connecting with fellow trainees and sharing experiences, you’ll not only enjoy a sense of community but also access essential support throughout your caregiver journey.

Become a Parent Today

There are so many kids who need foster care, and not enough parents to support them. We are excited to hear from you and answer any questions you have regarding the process.